Tuesday, January 18, 2011

See This Dim Sum: Sea Harbour Seafood Restaurant

It's dim sum. You know what it is. You know how it works. It's at Sea Harbour Seafood Restaurant (3939 Rosemead Blvd., Rosemead).sea harbour (2)
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No carts here. Order off a menu for fast, reliable treats. Solid place for dim sum.


  1. nom nom nom. I actually prefer the menu over the carts.

  2. drool. although, it seems kind of odd to have no carts. Not that I'm complaining...

  3. You've inspired me to get dim sum soon (though the offerings here will be far less impressive than these, I'm sure)!

  4. What-no dried up chicken's foot?!

    srsly though, this looks fantastic.

  5. it's 10:30 at night and you just made me crave dim sum...dangit.

  6. This white girl doesn't know what any of those things are but they look good.

  7. I am sad and ashamed to say I have never had dim sum!

  8. Yum! BFF and I frequent the place right next to Sea Harbour called Ocean Star because it's super cheap and tasty. Well, mostly because it's cheaper than Sea Harbour.

  9. have you tried seafood paradise in westminster? i die for it!

  10. You'd think I'd have learned my lesson not to read your blog when I'm hungry.

    Guess not. :P


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