Mother-effing magnificent, this modern monstrosity.
The new Yankee Stadium is the most technologically advanced ballpark we've visited to date. The scoreboard is amazing -- so crystal-clear even when we viewed it from our cheap seats directly below.

It was still drizzling a bit that evening.
But the rain delay gave us ample time to grab some grub without missing any action.

Sadly, while the scoreboard was the best scoreboard we'd ever seen, the food was the worst -- worse than the food of the Dodgers, Angels, Padres, Giants, Mariners, and Red Sox. Shame on you, Yankees! Word on the street is that Shea Stadium has better chow.
The game was fun, though. For some reason, almost every time we travel to a rival ballpark, the Mariners are playing the home team. I was thrilled to see my darling Ichiro kick ass and take names.

Mariners 8, Yankees 4. Too bad more teams didn't do this to Yankees during the season.
For the record, I don't like the Phillies either. I wanted a freeway series, damn it!
Next: Mr. Monkey dons a suit for fine fish.