There I found Bax and Rescuer with three very hungry abandoned dogs.

Some mean person dumped them in our parking lot. Apparently, this is not the first time this has happened. Rescuer adopted her own dog after finding her in this same lot last year.
I don't understand how people can do this. These three dogs were so incredibly nice and gentle. They deserve to be cherished by loving families, not left to their own devices in a hot parking lot.
We gave them water and bagels.

I snapped a few quick photos and headed back up to work, but Bax and Rescuer very kindly stayed with the dogs until help came or until they decided to drive them to a no-kill shelter themselves. I'm not sure what ultimately happened, but I know those girls would do anything to save these sweeties.
This little guy was so adorable. I named him Parker, as we found him in a parking lot. He was probably about a year old. Rescuer had a leash in her car, so she put it on him for safe keeping.
I named this girl Pita because she's a pit bull and really really liked her bagel.

This guy had such a bad case of mange. We all felt so bad for him. He was so friendly and constantly wagged his tail at us. I started off calling him Mangy, but then I decided that wasn't such a nice name. Instead, he became Mangi (think mangia without the "a") because he was so hungry.

Mangi and Pita were very attached to each other.

I really hope they all find homes. Please think good thoughts!
UPDATE: Click here to find out what happened to Parker....
i hope they find good homes. poor dogs.
ReplyDeletecan't wait to read/see the bean's party recap.
Oh my gosh! Heartbreaking. How can people do that? I'll never understand. Thank you for going out of your way to help them. Sadly, I just read an article that was talking about how the mortgage crisis, many people are giving up their pooches. This is overwhelming shelters, and even no-kill shelters are left to make some tough decisions. ugh.
ReplyDeleteAw poor babies! I wonder why that was the second drop at the CIA? I hope the doggies go a loving home.
ReplyDeletePeople who do such things make me very mad. At one of the office locations I worked at, dogs were routinely abandoned in the vicinity. Thank goodness for no-kill rescue shelters.
ReplyDeleteHope these three find good homes.
Awwww. I hope they fiind good homes soon. Does the parking lot have seccurity cameras? Maybe they can catch the person who dropped them off.
ReplyDeleteI am so sad (and angry) that these things happen. Poor dogs. :(
ReplyDeleteThey are so lucky to have met some people who cared enough to feed them and find them a safe place.
this breaks my heart. thank goodness for you three, and i hope their stories have happy endings.
ReplyDeletethis kind of stuff makes me absolutely, positively crazy/sad. i am hoping for happy homes for those sweet babies. they look so needy for love and attention (and food!).
ReplyDeleteThat is so tragic - you and your friends are so great, though, to help them out. I hope they find better homes than the one they came from.
ReplyDeleteSome people have no heart. It's a good thing your coworkers are so loving.
ReplyDeleteAw... this post makes me sad.
ReplyDeleteIt really breaks my heart that people are so callous about animals. Thanks to you and your co-workers/friends for helping them out. They look so sweet.
ReplyDeleteKills me. I sometimes wonder if Lola was dumped because she's not a "real" Cocker Spaniel - although it's hard to believe people could do something like that, there are some pretty crappy people in the world. I'm glad you guys found them and helped them. Hopefully they'll all find good homes soon!
ReplyDeleteI'm in tears with sadness and rage right now. I just hate people sometimes, I really do. Good for you guys for giving them a little bit of love the way they deserve.
ReplyDeleteThis makes me so sad. And incredibly angry. This happens so often, it kills me. I'm so, so glad your caring friends found them. Please provide an update as soon as you get one. I'm crossing my fingers for those babies.
ReplyDeleteSome people really suck. I'm glad your friends found them and got them some help!
ReplyDeletethis post makes me so sad :(
ReplyDeletemy mom got our dog through the same thing - someone just dumped him in a park and she took him home to us.
and now your latest post makes so much more sense. i'm really glad that at least parker has a good home!!
omg you're a doll for hooking them up with bagels and spreading the word of helping rescue dogs!!!! you can't get any higher in my book
ReplyDeleteThis was NOT the right post for me to read in my current mood. I'm going to bed.