Sunday, April 27, 2008

Girls on Film

I haven't had a girls-only weekend since my bachelorette weekend, so this weekend was a welcome diversion, especially in between two tough workweeks. It was only fitting that we went to San Diego, just like I had two years ago for my bachelorette weekend.

Several girls had gone down to San Diego on Friday, and a few of us joined them Saturday. My Saturday started out with a trip to Albertson's with tater and CBB for bottled water. $3.99 for 24 bottles of Crystal Geyser! Score!
The rug sale outside was most intriguing. I really wanted CBB to crouch down to pretend to be a cheetah, but tater's mimicking of the woman was the best I could do.
The very thoughtful CBB did, however, take this opportunity to give me the cutest little belated birthday gift -- a Paul Frank key cap! I love that she understands that I don't like just any monkey. Some people can't seem to get this into their puny little heads. I like Julius! No other monkey will do! Thank you, CBB! I love it!
When we arrived at Hotel Solamar, we were greeted with personalized goodie bags made by a few of our OC friends. Inside these bags were candy, a muffin, and a personalized tumbler. So cute and perfect for our weekend!
Hotel Solamar was pretty cool. I liked our room very much.

After we got settled a bit, we headed out to the pool to hang out with the girls who were already there.
We dined on a bunch of tasty goodies in our cabana.

Pool activities varied. Some were active.

Some were not.
Some defied classification.
Pool time was followed by short naps, chilling out with magazines, and/or chatting. Room 406 was having a nice quiet little afternoon until it was attacked by a bunch of wild animals!
Hotel Solamar has interesting bathrobes, to say the least. I was laughing so hard during all of this! Eventually, we Room 406ers put on our animal-print robes, too, and we took a group picture with Katie's tripod cam.
san diego girls trip 123
Then it was time to get ready to go out.

I'm not really sure why, but everyone in this room wanted a photo with me.

In the hall, on the way to the elevator, we saw the Grossest. Sight. Ever.
We waited in the lobby for some laggers.

Then we headed to an Irish pub for grub.

Dinnertime is fun with these girls!

Cat and LYB were particularly expressive. Why? "It's my thing!"

Outside the restaurant, we convinced a hapless pedestrian to take our picture.
10Years and APK were delighted to discover the Philippine Library Museum.
The Gaslamp District is great because you can walk everywhere.

Altitude Sky Bar and Garden Lounge was our first destination.

It had a great view... bartenders who made delicious drinks...

...popped collars...
...iPod commercial-like screens...
...and good times!

When we got outside, Young Love was accosted by a tall woman who was ecstatic to run into another tall woman.
Funny enough, the weird tall woman was accompanied by a short friend, so that short friend and our very own Mrs50% jumped into the photo, too. Hilarious.
Next stop was the Hard Rock rooftop.

We were intrigued by this girl's failure to commit to her daring fashion choice. If you're going to wear a plunging neckline, do it. Don't wear a crappy white cotton racerback underneath it.

Mrs50% had a blast dancing on our little mattress.
But she was dejected when she was told she couldn't.
No mattress-dancing notwithstanding, more good times ensued.

Post-Hard Rock, some of us went for late-night eats, and some of us opted for more late-night festivities. It's not hard to guess which group I joined.

Maryjane's Coffee Shop was exactly what our late-night-eats group needed.

Here's the Piggy Group in our hotel lobby after the late-night foodfest.
The Piggy Group then further split up into the Sleepy Group and Go-Out-for-More-Fun Group. Can you guess which group I opted for this time?

My dear roommates and I retired to Room 406 for a good night's rest; we were the lightweights who went to bed at 2:00 a.m. So began our happy title of Drama-Free Zone. The heaviest discussion we had that night was whether we were night or morning showerers, and then we created the Clean Bed and the Dirty Bed. (I was in the Clean Bed, in case you were wondering.)

I woke up around 9:45 a.m. briefly and then went back to sleep and then woke up again not long after around 10ish. Everyone was still asleep when I went to take my second shower. I'm weird like that. Near the end of my shower, I got a knock on the bathroom door, telling me to come out. When I came out, we had visitors! We all had a good time chatting, laughing, and drinking much needed bottled water before we all got ready for the day.

A few girls had left earlier that morning (without saying goodbye to Room 406 -- for shame!), but the rest of us had our last meal together in San Diego at Broadway Taco Company.

My carnitas and carne asada tacos really hit the spot, and the carne asada fries across the table from me were pretty damn good morning-after treats, too. The only things that would've made lunch even better were (1) air conditioning and (2) no crazy old lady poking us in our backs, asking whether or not we were "staying here," whatever that meant.

Bellies filled and bodies hydrated, we bid each other adieu and headed back home to reality. I'm so weak-sauce that I'm totally tired now, but I'm elated I got to spend time with these girls before my crazy workweek begins again.

Awesome weekend. To those who couldn't make it, I missed you. To those who did make it, thanks for getting me out of my rut. I really needed this. Hugs to all!


  1. I am crying right now looking at the pictures. Aline's dejected matress dancing is cracking me up. So glad Weird Tall Lady made it! So sad it's all over *sniff*

  2. I am so bummed I missed this. :(

  3. OMG, you have no idea how sad I am to have missed this fabulous event! looks like fun times were had;)

  4. What a fun time! So jealous. Please organize trip to visit DC next time, thankyouverymuch.

  5. Looks like tons of fun. I love Claire's faces. :)

  6. totally good times! i had so many thoughts as i was reading but already forgot them.

    dirty bed rocks!

  7. looks like you girls had a blast!

    what was up with those bathrobes?! too funny :)

  8. What a fun weekend!

  9. I am one of the shameless brats that forgot to say goodbye. Heck, I forgot to check out. :) Sorry love! Good times all around! I can't wait to upload your hot pics!

  10. OMG -- I'd like to pretend I was so drunk I don't remember making those faces...but no, I can't say that. Congrats on being the first to blog this fantastic weekend!!!! I'm so glad the Monkey could be there.

  11. Um, what exactly were you doing when you got up the first time on Sat morning? What, no pics?

  12. Looks like you girls had fun! It's making me want to head to San Diego soon.

  13. Fun weekend! Nothing like some girl time to set things straight :)

  14. looks like a crazy good time! :) Glad you all had fun :)

  15. Such good times! When the heck did you sneak in all these pictures? I totally don't remember but I'm glad you have them! I was too busy snotting and hacking to notice I guess. So glad you came!

  16. Looks like a wonderful weekend. So many fun memories! Girls weekends are the best!

  17. Looks like quite the weekend - I love Gaslamp! :)

  18. awesome pics! looks like it was an excellent time had by all. where's your blue halter from? I heart it.

    and the code to live by menu was classic

  19. i am so stinking bummed that i couldn't join the fun.

    i missed the chance to party with aline's boobies again.


    still retching over the grossest.sight.ever.


  20. Looks like so much fun!

  21. fun fun fun!!! san diego though? shouldn't you be at coachella? =)

  22. OMG...yay for the tall woman who was trying to make out with me!

    I'm so glad you were there - such a good time!

  23. so much fun and food and boobies. loves it!

  24. Oh man, I had to check your blog before I went to bed last night because I knew you would have the perfect blog to capture the insane fun that we had!

  25. looks like you ladies had a blast and oodles of fun. JealousE.

    the series of photos cracks me up

  26. Looks like such a fun weekend! Nothing beats a girls weekend! You are making me hungry w/ that Mexican food. *sigh* Your blog always makes me hungry...I thought of you yesterday in Famima (I work right across the street). They have good corn dogs.

  27. WTF? Were those chonies?!?! No bueno! It's also no bueno that I had to miss this fab weekend. Of course I am extremely happy that you all had so much fun 'cause you all deserve it.

  28. I came back to this post to recall good memories, it worked!

  29. God. This weekend was one of the best times of my life. I'm so OA bc as I was reading and looking through again, I started crying.

  30. I can't belive I never commented on this!

    This was a great ride down memory lane.. made my day.

    [wiping tears- from laughing so hard]


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