Wednesday, January 16, 2008

So Tired

But it's a good tired. And so many fun things happened today, too! I didn't get home until about 10 tonight (fun dinner with Mr. Monkey and his co-workers from the Midwest home office), so that put a bit of a cramp in Monkey Blogging Time. Good times, though!

Argh. I may have to wait until the weekend to catch up. My apologies, dear readers. It will be worth it, though. Promise! Today was such a fun day at work. Mid-day, particularly. I'll give you a hint.

Friday, I'm off to a site visit again 130 miles away, so it'll be another "wake up at 4:30 a.m." day. I gotta get all the sleep I can tonight!

Don't forget the blog party is on! Can't wait to see you guys soon! (If you're a latecomer to the fun, it's not *too* late yet. Here are the criteria to join the party.)

In the meantime, check out this great rundown of seasons one through three of Lost. It's everything you need to know about Lost in 8:15. Pretty impressive and entertaining. The narration is most excellent. Enjoy!


  1. Target makes me smile. Good luck on the site visit!

  2. Waiting for the weekend for my update.

  3. Yay for new Losts! I stayed home from work today so I could catch up on sleep since I'll be up "late" tonight.

  4. i heart target.

    i'm going to wait till the kid gets home to watch that lost recap. the previews for the new shows has caught our attention.

  5. please take a photo of hardhathead that isn't really hardhathead this time.

  6. You're such a tease! Safe travels and looking forward to seeing you again on Sunday! Target rocks :)

  7. So sad you're gonna be in the tunnels today and I have to get Senn-Delaneyed again. Yuck! We'll have to make it up to ourselves by having something really outrageous for lunch next week!

  8. such a great LOST recap! I can't wait for the new season!


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