Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Killer Leopard

Another snoozer of a day. Well, blogging-wise anyway.

My day was actually quite packed with meetings back to back to back. As you know, I'm still not used to being "the legal person" in the room (or "The Hammer," if you will). It's really weird when you have to explain to laypersons why the word "and" should be used in a document, as opposed to "along with." And it's even weirder when those laypersons are twice your age and skeptical.

But I did it. And the language stayed my way. It's Hammertime! [Credit to ballin_axehammer.]

Since I was consulting with clients today, I played the role of the professional advocate. Black suit. Serious. Conservative. Stern.


Peeping from underneath my suit were none other than my leopard Stuart Weitzman stilettos. Rowr!

I am thrilled to report that I got many compliments from very different people with very different styles. I guess sassy shoes are universally beloved. That abundant love almost made up for the redness and soreness at the end of the day. Indeed, 'tis another pair that needs breaking in, which surprised me because I have three other pairs of Stuarts, and they each fit like a dream! But at least I experienced no blisters or broken skin, so I'm a happy camper.

And no rain either! The no-rain-on-new-shoes vibes worked! Those vibes. So powerful.


  1. grrrrr! yaya! very hot shoes :)

  2. Those are some fierce shoes WM. ;)

  3. Go Hammer, Go Hammer Go!!
    Love your shoes!!

  4. ugh those shoes are like porn for me. yum!

  5. Awwww! You look too adorable in your pants suit. I love you as Miranda Monkey. And you know how I feel about leopard. . . ME-OW!

  6. I love the mix of conservative with sassy.

    And now I must get those shoes!

  7. that nickname kills me.

    I always have to wear 50 bandaids with new shoes:/

  8. I love black suits with hot shoes!

  9. Those shoes are sassy and fun. I love that they peek out from under the serious professional. Kind of reminds me of you! :)

  10. Those shoes are too cute. I am dying thinking about you taking pics of yourself in the bathroom!

  11. Yay for sexy shoe surprise. I love it!

  12. i flippin' love those shoes! And you're right, thats a big accessory where both girls AND guys will totally compliment you (unless they are very pointy shoes- and then guys get scared)

  13. HAMMERTIME! Whoa-ohhh-whoa-whoa-ohh-whoa!

    I love all-black with sassy shoes!

  14. the kid was looking at the screen when your shoes appeared, and she just about drooled all over herself.

  15. I am sooo in love with those shoes.

    I'm so glad the no rain vibes were worth it. =)

  16. love the shoes!! i also love it when lawyers call non-lawyers "laypersons." it makes me chuckle. :)


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