Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Small Annoyance, Big Annoyance, Bah!

I'm a very bad driver, and I know it. I'm an even worse parker. I acknowledge my shortcomings, though, and take all necessary precautions to prevent mishaps. For example, I use a handy dandy cinder block to let me know when to stop backing up, so I don't hit a metal vent in our garage. See Exhibit A below.

Well, lo and behold, I don't know what evil trickster moved the cinder block, but today I backed up and hadn't even reached the block when I ran into the metal vent that I'd been so careful to avoid for the past six years! Booooo! The block had been moved just far enough, so that, as my tire was about to touch it, the metal vent scratched my beautiful Big Red's rear window. [sobbing]

Ok, that was a little melodramatic. Truth be told, the scratch was minimal, and you can only see it if you really hunt hard. But, nonetheless, I was upset that this happened at all because I had gone to such lengths to avoid it. Bah!

Today we got an envelope from the IRS. The letter claims that the Monkeys still owe $9,359.74 in taxes. WTF?!?!?!?!?!?! We had already paid a boatload of taxes, and I looked at my bank account online to see what happened to that huge check I'd already sent. That big check had been cashed, damn it! I hate the IRS. I'm going to have quite the talk tomorrow. This can't possibly be right. Bah!


  1. Yes, that is a really BIG annoyance. I think I would've crapped my pants and made plans to sell off my firstborn. Oh wait, I don't have a firstborn to sell. I'm sorry to hear about that - that just sucks.
    On another note, I started using Google Reader, and I love it. It didn't come up with your latest update though. Effing boo!

  2. Boo on both counts!

  3. boo to the mofo who moved your block.

    That happened to Mr. Cee & I. It took us two calls to clear up the mess. I should sue them for emotional stress.

  4. gah! i'd be on the phone to them first thing in the morning with my "mean" voice. give it to 'em good!

  5. MMMmmmm - let's talk. I have old classmates that cover LA coumty for IRS. Is it just a mistake re the taxes? That bill would be a dagger to me.

  6. the monkeys need to have some little monkeys jumping on beds quick.

  7. Wow...a double-whammy! The block mover is lame, but thankfully your car isn't too scratched up. The lame-brains at the IRS...that's another story! Good luck! At least you have some evidence that your check wasn't cashed yet.

  8. double boo. as in boo [to the block with legs] and BOO! [to the tax man].

  9. who could be the culprit to move your cinderblock? that seems intentional

  10. I think the only reasonable thing to do is buy the Lexus that parks for you! ;)

  11. ouch on the car and ouch on the tax bill, i'm sure it will have been a mistake!?

  12. Booooo. Too many annoying things for one day. :/

  13. Boooooooooo. Who the eff moved the block?

  14. i hate the irs too. we've still got to file our 2006 taxes :/


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