Sunday, October 14, 2007

Children Children Everywhere

This weekend, the Monkeys went to Monkey Father-in-Law's restaurant to celebrate the first birthday of the son of Mr. Monkey's cousin Li'l Buddy (which I believe is his first cousin once removed, if my memory of the table of consanguinity serves me right).

Two of Mr. Monkey's cousins have three children each, and the mother of Li'l Buddy is pregnant again already. Add to that Li'l Monkey Niece, and you have a veritable zoo. And now you know why we didn't invite children to our wedding. There would've been at least 20 noisy rugrats running around just from family. No wonder China once had an overpopulation problem.

The Monkeys were repeatedly asked when we will have children. One understanding relative responded on our behalf and said, "They're waiting awhile." Someone probed further and asked, "How long are you waiting?" I responded, "Forever." Everyone laughed, and luckily there was no further interrogation.


As usual, the food was middling at best, but we have to go to this restaurant time after time because Monkey Father-in-Law is part owner. Ho hum.

Of course, there was a birthday cake. I liked the little wax Scooby Doo (although it seemed totally dated for the year 2007), but the cake itself was the typical spongy light tasteless airy cake from an Asian bakery with horrid flavorless whipped cream frosting. Blech. I just ate some strawberries.

Children, children, mediocre food, bad cake, and children. There's not much more to report. I would've preferred eating a sandwich and watching TV at home.


  1. What cute kids! I see the "when are you going to have kids" questions never stop. yAy.

  2. i just found out a bunch of our friends are all starting the whole TTC thing next year. i keep reminding jim how happy he should be that i'm the youngest of the bunch and my clock hasn't started ticking yet. hehehe :)

  3. I told my parents that we definitely didn't want kids last night. Yay for us!

    I bet the mediocre food and cake didn't make portion control very difficult eh?

  4. love the cake on teh lazy susan

  5. Oh, you poor thing. Lots of children and meh food. Happy you survived it.

  6. ok, is it because i haven't had cake since my wedding, because that cake looks like a dream to me! LOL!!

  7. This makes me laugh. Hard. I thought I was the only one who hated those cakes. :) Too bad about the plethora of kids and the crap food, but happy you got to let them know you're in the no-kid zone. ;)

  8. I'm dizzy from all this talk of babies amd childrem om your blog. But the cake amd food is a good balamce.

  9. Children, mediocre food and bad cake is my own personal version of hell.

  10. eeeeeeeeeh to the kids and mediocre food. mr. tater realized how chaotic kids make life this past weekend, randomly. yay for a form of male birth control! he also realized how he won't be able to buy as many toys for himself. two points for me and my fellow baby-haters!

  11. I'm actually a big fan of the spongy tastless Asian cakes. :-/

  12. i made the scooby doo noise at the thought of you literally SURROUNDED by rugrats, dude.

  13. very cute pics, but wwwwwwwwwhere is the monkey leash??? :)


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